Explore With Me!
Ages 18 mo. - 2 yrs Co-Ed
Join us for "Explore With Me!"
Explore the world of gymnastics with your little one in this "open gym" time. The gymnastics room will be set up in the same circuit style as it is for our Flip With Me! classes, but will be an "open gym" opportunity for you and your little one to explore our little-one friendly gymnastics equipment and set-up outside of a structured class setting. A coach will be available to assist and guide as necessary.
Please Note: Flip With Me! classes are structured and coach led. Explore With Me! is an opportunity for adults and their littles to enjoy the introduction to gymnastics outside of a coach-guided class.
*This is an Adult & Me class- accompanying adults must be prepared to assist their young gymnast and remain for the entirety of the class. We respectfully ask that due to space, only one adult accompany each gymnast. We also know gymnastics is fun, but in this class we are going to leave the flipping to the young gymnasts!
**For the safety of the little ones, older siblings will NOT be allowed to be on the equipment. Space will be designated for siblings to sit and watch, read, be on their iPad with headphones, etc. Please consider if this is a feasible option for your little one's big brother or sister.**

Class Information
Explore With Me! is a 1:8 ratio, 8 spots will be available in each class.
Attire: Gymnasts are encouraged to wear leotards/athletic style clothing. Gymnasts with long hair should be have it pulled back into a ponytail/bun. No necklaces, jewelry, socks, or shoes.
Classes must have a minimum of 3 gymnasts registered. The first week of all sessions will run regardless of number of participants registered. After the first week, classes with less than 3 participants will be cancelled. If your class is cancelled, every effort will be made to move your gymnast to a class at a different day/time. If a suitable class cannot be found, participants will be issued a refund MINUS THE COST OF THE FIRST CLASS.
Any late registrations will be pro-rated.
Class Offerings for Explore With Me!
Session 2
Session 2 is a 6 week session. Classes begin the week of 3/10/25 and go through the week of 4/14/25.
Registration for Session 2 for all Flip With Me! classes can be found at the Session 2 Registration button below the class options.
11:15 am - 11:45 am
Contact Information:
© 2024. All rights reserved.
All classes held at Tucker Recreation Center
4898 Lavista Rd. Tucker, GA 30048